Sunday, March 8, 2009

Top 10 Comments Overheard When St. Peter's Fish Was Served

10. If Dr. Goza blesses it again, maybe it will taste better.
9. Did somebody bring Tony Chacherie's in their carry-on?
8. Is it too late to order the beef?
7. June, why do you look so pale???
6. I paid $20 for this? (Wait, I had a coke, so I really paid $23 for this?)
5. I think this thing is staring at me.
4. Any leftovers will be served at dinner.
3. Peter had a stronger stomach than me.
2. Don't choke on the coin in its mouth.
1. If this were a crawfish boil, J.D. would have sucked the head.


  1. Now you people from South LA, who eat crawfish, should to be able to eat Peter fish.

    You ar correct; if you don't eat is all at breakfast or lunch it will show up at dinner in a salad, veg., main course or dessert.

    david H.

  2. Now you know how I lost 10 pounds in a week when we were there. :o)
    There's just something about your meal looking at you.

  3. Apparently, the food aint' nothing to "blog" home about.

    Alan S.
