Tuesday, March 10, 2009

By special request: Boy with Goats

Sorry -- no boys tending sheep yet, but we did see a couple of boys with their goats.


  1. You are awesome!!! The kids are going to love this!

  2. What was your favorite place?

    Connor - Mrs. Garons Class

  3. What was the best meal you've had so far?
    Jaeda-Mrs. Garons Class

  4. Connor...everyone has a different favorite. Many of us did not like Bethlehem as much as the other places because it was it was so decorated and there were so many tourist shops and sellers, that it didn't feel as special.

    The Sunday Service on the boat on the Sea of Galilee was incredible day. It was a beautiful sunny cool day. And we could all imagine what it must have been like for Jesus and his disciples when they road boats on this very sea.

    Jaeda, we all have different opinions on the food. Josh, who is 12 yeras old, really liked that whole fish with eyes from the Sea of Galilee. We have had a LOT of hummos, salad and falafel, which I really like, but those who don't are eating a lots and lots of ice cream. The breakfasts at all of the places we have stayed have been very good. They are kosher which means no pork and no mixing of meat and dairy. So they are different than what we are used to....with salads and cheese and even pickled fish...but still very very good.
