Sunday, March 8, 2009

Favorite (so far)

So far my two favorite places to see are Caesarea and the Sea of Galilee. Caesarea was unbelievable when you consider how massive and how old this area is. The ampitheater was just the beginning. Imagine walking on the same stones that Jesus and the apostles walked, while looking at the Mediteranean Sea. The boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was amazing. The same place where Jesus calmed the water for the apostles, provided a coin in a fish for Peter and preached to the crowd from a boat. We had our Sunday worship led by Brother David, while sitting in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. How cool is that! When we landed we were able to go through a museum where they have an actual fishing boat that was recently discovered. It's only been two days and we have seen so much. I'm looking forward to heading to Jerusalem tomorrow.

It's 9:00 pm here and 2:00 pm there!

Cathy Smart


  1. I guess y'all are waking up about now. Wow, I'm enjoying your pics and stories. Kyle and I are going to have to make this trip. How incredible! Praying for y'all!

    Lindsay Silvio

  2. I have to request more pictures! And pictures with people in them! Brooks mentioned the trip in his prayer last night. He prayed to keep "Maw Maw and Grampa safe where Jesus is"

  3. Just arrived at Sheraton in Jerusalem. Now have better, free internet. Will try to get more pictures up soon.

