Monday, March 9, 2009

Bro. French's pilgrimage baptism of Bro. Goza


  1. How cool is that!!!!

    My 3rd graders loved viewing the blog today and want to start responding tomorrow. If you find a boy tending sheep, please take a picture of him and post. They saw the picture of the boy with the camel and that was their first there a picture of a boy tending sheep?

    Thanks! What an awesome trip!!!

  2. Dr. French, Could you please dunk David one more time for me before ya'll leave? :)

    Jerry Goza

  3. Well for goodness sakes don't drown him. Ya'll look great and like you are having the time of your lives.
    Come back safely see ya soon.Brenda Wagner

  4. How did you all like the trip from the Jericho area up to Jerusalem? Is it still 1 way to Jerusalem in the afternoon?
    Did you look down into gouge? When I saw it I was sure that David was refering to it when he wrote, "I walked through the valley of death".

    Was the first sight of the Golden city, Jersualem, beautiful? Renee, get a group togeather and slip out one evening while in Jerusalem and go down to Ben-Honai(sp.) street.

    Dvid Hedgepeth

    David Hedgepeth
